Thursday, March 7, 2013

morning studies


I'm working on my portraiture, likeness, and color in these studies.  No use of a color picker and the undo/redo is another point I'm trying to get my mind used to while working digitally anymore.  These things are nice to have and speed up any process but can also hinder growth and skill development if relied on too much. 

The first 2 portraits I'm not really happy with, as well they took the longest.  The last I'm happiest with, only taking max 30mins.  The problems I see in the 3rd are not as much red and orange on the right side ( our left) to suggest what seems to be reflected light while the whiter lighter on the left ( our right) has a little more blue tint to it across some of the wrap.  All could use work on shapes and gesture, and smiles are a giant pain in the ass, but fun and challenging to paint.